College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Center for Land Use Education and Research
Connecticut's Changing Landscape (CCL)

Basic Land Cover Information Showing Changes to CT's Landscape Since 1985

How is Version 2 land cover different from Version 1?

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Version 2 is an entirely new set of land cover maps.

Even though the dates and base Landsat images have not changed, the interpretations have been improved and refined. Because of this, EVERY MAP has changed. For example, 1985 Version 1 land cover is different from the 1985 Version 2 land cover.

Version 1


V1 vs V2

Version 2


Significant differences between version 1 and version 2:

  • new date of land cover: 2006!
  • an additional class: Agricultural Field
  • refinement of all classes, especially the developed class, turf and grass class and other grass class.

Refinements Explained

Agricultural Field. This is the only new class added to the Version 2 land cover. The Agricultural Field class came almost entirely from the Other Grass class of Version 1 land cover. 70% of Version 1 Other Grasses became Agricultural Field in Version 2. For more about how Agricultural Field was determined, visit its FAQ.

2002 Version 1

2002 Version 2


Developed. There is slightly less developed area in Version 2 compared to Version 1 maps of the same date. This is not because the actual developed area changed! It is because the maps are doing a better job of identifying forest canopy in urban areas. Below, red is Developed and green is Forest.

2002 Version 1


2002 Version 2

Green on the difference image shows areas that were developed on the 2002 Version 1 but Forest on the 2002 Version 2. This represents a refinement of tree canopy in urban areas.

Turf and Grass. There are two parts to the Turf and Grass story. The first part of the story is the areas changed FROM Turf and Grass in Version 1 TO Other Grass in Version 2. These areas were generally around airports.

2002 Version 1


2002 Version 2

Yellow on the difference image shows grassy areas around an airport that were Turf and Grass in Version 1 and are Other Grass in Version 2.

The second part of the Turf and Grass story is that there is a 40% increase in Turf and Grass in Version 1 as compared to Version 2. This refinement occurred mostly in residential areas where roads and buildings were surrounded by Other Grass in Version 1 and are more accurately surrounded by Turf and Grass in Version 2.

2002 Version 1


2002 Version 2

The yellow on the difference image shows areas that were Other Grass in Version 1 and are Turf and Grass in Version 2. This represents a refinement where grassy areas in a neighborhood are correctly classified as Turf and Grass.

Other Grasses. The Other Grass class has received significant refinement.

  • 67% of the Version 1 Other Grass class became Agricultural Field class in Version 2.
  • 12% of the Version 1 Other Grass remained Other Grass in Version 2.
  • 19 % of the Version 1 Other Grass became Turf and Grass in Version 2 (see above). This is a refinement, generally in neighborhoods.

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