College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Center for Land Use Education and Research

Download Data

- 1985-2006 Connecticut Land Cover OR

- Forest Fragmentation Information (return to the Forest Fragmentation website)

To download data for the lower Long Island Sound watershed, including
- 1985, 1990, 1995, 2002, 2006 and 2010 Land Cover
- 1985-2010 Land Cover Change
- 1985, 1990, 1995, 2002, 2006 and 2010 Riparian Zone Land Cover
- 1985-2010 Riparian Zone Land Cover Change
- Impervious Cover Estimates by HUC12 Basin
visit the Long Island Sound Watershed's Changing Landscape download page.

Please be sure that you understand the data and its appropriate (and inappropriate) uses. Visit the About the Project page for more information about how the maps were produced, metadata information, frequently asked questions, cautions about how to interpret data and for land cover category descriptions that explain what each land cover class represents.

Download Data Form

A short registration page is required. We will notify you of updated versions and new products available on the website. Also, it helps us show our funding sources how useful this stuff is!

These data are the intellectual property of the Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) at the University of Connecticut. They may be used for educational, research and non-commercial purposes provided proper attribution is given. For all other uses, please contact

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