Introduction to ArcGIS Online & Esri Story Maps

Workshop Agenda & Overview | Story Map sections & text | Final story maps


Part I: Introduction to ArcGIS Online

Presentation Slides (PDF):


9:00 Introductions, logistics, overview

9:20 Introduction to GIS & ArcGIS Online


Exercise 1: Follow the Leader: ArcGIS Online Overview


9:45 AM The ArcGIS Online Web Map

Exercise 2a: ArcGIS Online Web Map Basics

Optional Extra Credit: REST endpoints


10:40 AM Morning Break


10:50 AM The ArcGIS Online Web Map Continued

Exercise 2b: Working with Data in a Web Map

Exercise 2c: Adding Your Own Data to the Web Map

Exercise 2d: Sharing and Printing a Web Map


12:30 PM Lunch Break

Part II: Introduction to Story Maps

Presentation Slides (PDF):

1:15 PM What is a Story Map?

Story Map Examples:


Explore Story Maps


1:40 PM How Story Maps Work


Exercise 3: Build a Map Journal Story Map

The story Map Journal you will create is about the Connecticut Valley Railroad. The story map uses the web map created in the first part of the workshop. A reference web page has been created for this exercise to make it easy to copy and paste content and links while building the story map.

Demo: Map Journal Details
Exercise 3 Continued


3:00 PM - Map Tour Story Map

Exercise 4: Build a Map Tour Story Map


3:45 PM - So much more to learn!

  • Explore story maps
  • Read Esri's Story Map Blog
  • Work on the Map Journal and/or Map Tour
  • Start your own story map
  • Complete any remaining extra credit
  • Customize the Map Journal

4:30 PM - You made it!


Helpful Links


The New ArcGIS Storymaps


Instructors: Cary Chadwick, Emily Wilson
