2002 Coastal Riparian Buffer Analysis

Public Summary

Read the public summary! It provides a brief overview of the project and methods and some very interesting findings.


The project’s broad objectives are:

  1. provide an overall picture of the state of riparian buffers

  2. develop diagnostic information at the subregional watershed level which managers can use to direct future efforts, and

  3. create highly accurate information for one high priority basin, which can be used as part of local efforts to protect and/or restore riparian areas.


This project looked at land cover and land cover change within watersheds and riparian corridors of coastal Connecticut.  Riparian, or streamside, corridors are known to be environmentally important areas critical to stream stability, pollutant removal, and both aquatic and terrestrial wildlife habitat; these areas are also sometimes known as “buffer” areas.  Based on the recommendations of the LISS Nonpoint Source and Watershed Work Group, this study was intended to give local officials, researchers, landowners and other interested parties an overview of the status of riparian corridors draining to the Sound, and a feel for land use trends within these areas.