Introduction to Geospatial Technology and Online Story Maps

Instructors: Cary Chadwick, Emily Wilson

Workshop Agenda

9:00 Introductions, logistical details, workshop overview

  • UConn Center for Land use Education & Research
  • Participant Introductions, Interests & Objectives

9:30 Introduction to Geospatial Technologies Presentation

Mentioned in the presentation:

Remote Sensing Mentions:

Lidar/Elevation Mentions:

10:15-10:30 - Morning Break

10:30 Connecticut Mapping Resources Presentation and Exploration

11:00 Introduction to Story Maps

Story Map Concepts

Showcase and Demo of standout examples:

11:45 Story Maps Exploration Exercise

Showcase of Storymaps

12:15-1:15 Lunch on your own

1:15 How to Build a Story Map

Esri Story Maps website
Story Map Templates

Esri's Story Map Blog

Emily's Story Map Blog: Part I, Part II, Part III

Building a Story Map in Real-Time - The Story of Frederick Law Olmsted

ArcGIS Online Public (Free) Accounts - Create & Log-in

2:00 Build a Story Map Hands-on Exericse

The last part of this workshop leads participants through creating a story map. The story map will focus on highlighting the life of Frederick Law Olmsted, a prominent landscape architect born in Hartford, CT. He designed many famous parks including Central Park in NYC and several in his home state of Connecticut. The story map will showcase Olmsted parks across the state and provide information about Olmsted Day, an annual day of celebration which takes place each year on his birthday, April 26. Click on the image below to open the demo (completed) story map in a new browser tab. It may be used for reference.


Getting Started

Use the story map exercise (handout) to set up a Public ArcGIS Online account and begin building your own story map journal. Detailed step-by-step instructions are provided in the "cookbook-style" exercise, along with the exercise reference page which provides the descriptive text, image and video links you will need to complete your story map.