College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Center for Land Use Education and Research

Lower CT River Basin MapConnecticut Portion of Lower Long Island Sound Watershed

Note that the entire state of Connecticut is not part of the Long Island Sound Watershed. Connecticut is about 4970 square miles (3,181,240 acres) and the watershed area in Connecticut is about 4921 square miles (3,149,531 acres) - a difference of 49 square miles (31,708 acres) (shown in red on the map). The stats below are ONLY for the watershed, which is shown in yellow.

Visit the Interactive map to see and compare the maps. Visit the Statistics or Maps page to see the breakdown for the HUC12 basins.

Back to Summary Stats

Land Cover

  1985 2010 Change
  acres sq. miles % acres sq. miles %
acres sq. miles %
Developed 505819 790.3 16.1% 600701 938.6 19.1% 94882 148.3 3.0%
Turf & Grass 195695 305.8 6.2% 243285 380.1 7.7% 47590 74.4 1.5%
Other Grass 41427 64.7 1.3% 60732 94.9 1.9% 19305 30.2 0.6%
Ag. Field 269431 421.0 8.6% 229338 358.3 7.3% -40093 -62.6 -1.3%
Deciduous Forest 1563740 2443.3 49.6% 1459510 2280.5 46.3% -104230 -162.9 -3.3%
Coniferous Forest 289009 451.6 9.2% 278844 435.7 8.9% -10165 -15.9 -0.3%
Water 111010 173.5 3.5% 103569 161.8 3.3% -7441 -11.6 -0.2%
Non-forested Wetlands 12742 19.9 0.4% 13055 20.4 0.4% 313 0.5 0.0%
Forested Wetlands 115994 181.2 3.7% 110006 171.9 3.5% -5988 -9.4 -0.2%
Tidal Wetlands 13971 21.8 0.4% 14136 22.1 0.4% 166 0.3 0.0%
Barren 19444 30.4 0.6% 25408 39.7 0.8% 5964 9.3 0.2%
Utility ROW (Forest) 11250 17.6 0.4% 10918 17.1 0.3% -331 -0.5 0.0%

Change in Zone Land Cover, 1985-2010



  Turf & Grass
  Other Grass
  Agricultural Field


Riparian Zone Land Cover

  1985 2010 Change
  acres sq. miles % acres sq. mi % acres sq. miles %
Developed 121924 190.5 14.5% 141284 220.8 16.8% 19360 30.3 2.3%
Turf & Grass 43311 67.7 5.1% 53499 83.6 6.4% 10187 15.9 1.2%
Other Grass 10748 16.8 1.3% 16107 25.2 1.9% 5359 8.4 0.6%
Ag. Field 59110 92.4 7.0% 52428 81.9 6.2% -6682 -10.4 -0.8%
Deciduous Forest 417272 652.0 49.6% 396673 619.8 47.1% -20599 -32.2 -2.4%
Coniferous Forest 84207 131.6 10.0% 82218 128.5 9.8% -1989 -3.1 -0.2%
Water 25526 39.9 3.0% 20916 32.7 2.5% -4610 -7.2 -0.5%
Non-forested Wetlands 7055 11.0 0.8% 7306 11.4 0.9% 251 0.4 0.0%
Forested Wetlands 61663 96.3 7.3% 58634 91.6 7.0% -3028 -4.7 -0.4%
Tidal Wetlands 3005 4.7 0.4% 3107 4.9 0.4% 102 0.2 0.0%
Barren 4865 7.6 0.6% 6578 10.3 0.8% 1713 2.7 0.2%
Utility ROW (Forest) 2901 4.5 0.3% 2836 4.4 0.3% -65 -0.1 0.0%

Change in Riparian Zone Land Cover, 1985-2010



  Turf & Grass
  Other Grass
  Agricultural Field


Impervious Surface Estimate

Impervious Cover is not reported by state because Impervious Cover is averaged by watershed and watersheds cross state boundaries.