College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Center for Land Use Education and Research

Bronx Basin MapBronx Basin (02030102)

The Bronx Basin is approximately 172 square miles (110,026 acres). It drains to western Long Island Sound and includes some of the most densely populated and highly developed areas in the watershed.

It includes the following HUC12 basins: East Creek-Mamaroneck Harbor, Flushing Creek-Flushing Bay, Hutchinson River-Eastchester Bay, Kensico Reservoir, Lower Bronx River, Sheldrake River-Mamaroneck River, Upper Bronx River and Westchester Creek-East River.

Visit the Interactive Map to see and compare the maps. Visit the Statistics or Maps page to see the breakdown for the HUC12 basins.

Back to Summary Stats

Land Cover

  1985 2010 Change
  acres % acres %
acres %
Developed 66832 60.7% 68960 62.7% 2128 1.9%
Turf & Grass 16022 14.6% 16629 15.1% 606 0.6%
Other Grass 1357 1.2% 901 0.8% -456 -0.4%
Ag. Field 101 0.1% 97 0.1% -4 0.0%
Deciduous Forest 19396 17.6% 17651 16.0% -1745 -1.6%
Coniferous Forest 354 0.3% 333 0.3% -21 0.0%
Water 4174 3.8% 3991 3.6% -184 -0.2%
Non-forested Wetlands 106 0.1% 37 0.0% -68 -0.1%
Forested Wetlands 634 0.6% 554 0.5% -81 -0.1%
Tidal Wetlands 349 0.3% 322 0.3% -27 0.0%
Barren 576 0.5% 428 0.4% -149 -0.1%
Utility ROW (Forest) 126 0.1% 125 0.1% 0 0.0%

Change in Zone Land Cover, 1985-2010



  Turf & Grass
  Other Grass
  Agricultural Field


Riparian Zone Land Cover

  1985 2010 Change
  acres % acres % acres %
Developed 4969 41.5% 5275 44.0% 306 2.6%
Turf & Grass 1566 13.1% 1727 14.4% 161 1.3%
Other Grass 208 1.7% 151 1.3% -57 -0.5%
Ag. Field 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 0.0%
Deciduous Forest 4000 33.4% 3819 31.9% -181 -1.5%
Coniferous Forest 73 0.6% 68 0.6% -5 0.0%
Water 590 4.9% 474 4.0% -116 -1.0%
Non-forested Wetlands 37 0.3% 15 0.1% -22 -0.2%
Forested Wetlands 303 2.5% 265 2.2% -38 -0.3%
Tidal Wetlands 108 0.9% 100 0.8% -7 -0.1%
Barren 95 0.8% 53 0.4% -42 -0.3%
Utility ROW (Forest) 26 0.2% 27 0.2% 0 0.0%

Change in Riparian Zone Land Cover, 1985-2010



  Turf & Grass
  Other Grass
  Agricultural Field


Impervious Surface Estimate

1985 1990 1995 2002 2006 2010 Change
acres % acres %
acres % acres % acres % acres % acres %
24286 3.6% 24466 3.6% 24558 3.7% 24675 3.7% 24702 3.7% 24882 3.7% 596 0.1%