College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Center for Land Use Education and Research

Saugatuck Basin MapSaugatuck Basin (01100006)

The Saugatuck River Basin is approximately 450 square miles (287,614 acres).

It includes the following HUC12 basins: Aspetuck River, Blind Brook-Horseneck Brook, Byram River, Fivemile River, Headwaters Saugatuck River, Mianus River, Mill River-Frontal Long Island Sound, Norwalk River-Frontal Norwalk Harbor, Outlet Saugatuck River-Frontal Long Island Sound, Pequonnock River-Frontal Long Island Sound, Rippowam River, Rooster River-Frontal Long Island Sound, and Silvermine River .

Visit the Interactive Map to see and compare the maps. Visit the Statistics or Maps page to see the breakdown for the HUC12 basins.

Back to Summary Stats

Land Cover

  1985 2010 Change
  acres % acres %
acres %
Developed 87821 30.5% 95079 33.1% 7258 2.5%
Turf & Grass 42452 14.8% 46119 16.0% 3667 1.3%
Other Grass 3276 1.1% 3433 1.2% 157 0.1%
Ag. Field 5057 1.8% 3099 1.1% -1957 -0.7%
Deciduous Forest 118041 41.0% 110834 38.5% -7206 -2.5%
Coniferous Forest 11361 4.0% 10525 3.7% -836 -0.3%
Water 8531 3.0% 7967 2.8% -564 -0.2%
Non-forested Wetlands 337 0.1% 333 0.1% -4 0.0%
Forested Wetlands 7492 2.6% 6900 2.4% -592 -0.2%
Tidal Wetlands 1329 0.5% 1229 0.4% -100 0.0%
Barren 1591 0.6% 1759 0.6% 168 0.1%
Utility ROW (Forest) 327 0.1% 336 0.1% 10 0.0%

Change in Zone Land Cover, 1985-2010



  Turf & Grass
  Other Grass
  Agricultural Field


Riparian Zone Land Cover

  1985 2010 Change
  acres % acres % acres %
Developed 21429 25.4% 23079 27.4% 1650 2.0%
Turf & Grass 9432 11.2% 10336 12.3% 904 1.1%
Other Grass 783 0.9% 913 1.1% 130 0.2%
Ag. Field 816 1.0% 506 0.6% -309 -0.4%
Deciduous Forest 39987 47.5% 38533 45.8% -1454 -1.7%
Coniferous Forest 4167 4.9% 3995 4.7% -172 -0.2%
Water 2165 2.6% 1755 2.1% -410 -0.5%
Non-forested Wetlands 180 0.2% 179 0.2% 0 0.0%
Forested Wetlands 4387 5.2% 4030 4.8% -357 -0.4%
Tidal Wetlands 352 0.4% 302 0.4% -50 -0.1%
Barren 403 0.5% 469 0.6% 66 0.1%
Utility ROW (Forest) 113 0.1% 110 0.1% -3 0.0%

Change in Riparian Zone Land Cover, 1985-2010



  Turf & Grass
  Other Grass
  Agricultural Field


Impervious Surface Estimate

1985 1990 1995 2002 2006 2010 Change
acres % acres %
acres % acres % acres % acres % acres %
34345 5.1% 35026 5.2% 35361 5.3% 35767 5.3% 36079 5.4% 36391 5.4% 2046 0.3%