College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Center for Land Use Education and Research

Housatonic Basin MapHousatonic Basin (01100005)

The Housatonic Basin is approximately 1950 square miles (1,248,001 acres). Of the total area, 66% (1288 square miles, 824,513 acres) is covered by the land cover data and included in the statistics below.

It includes the following HUC12 basins: Bantam River, Blackberry River, Bladens River-Naugatuck River, Branch Brook, Candlewood Lake, Carse Brook-Housatonic River, East Aspetuck River, East Branch Naugatuck River, Eightmile Brook, Farmill River, Furnace Brook-Housatonic River, Great Brook-Housatonic River, Halfway River-Housatonic River, Hancock Brook, Headwaters Shepaug River, Headwaters Still River, Headwaters Webatuck Creek, Hollenbeck River, Hop Brook, Housatonic River-Frontal Long Island Sound, Leadmine Brook, Limekiln Brook-Still River, Little River, Long Meadow Pond Brook-Naugatuck River, Macedonia Brook, Mad River, Mudge Pond Brook, Nonewaug River, Northfield Brook-Naugatuck River, Outlet Shepaug River, Outlet Still River, Outlet Webatuck Creek, Pomperaug River, Pootatuck River, Salmon Creek, Steele Brook, Weekeepeemee River, West Aspetuck River, West Branch Naugatuck River and Whiting River.

Visit the Interactive Map to see and compare the maps. Visit the Statistics or Maps page to see the breakdown for the HUC12 basins.

Back to Summary Stats

Land Cover

  1985 2010 Change
  acres % acres %
acres %
Developed 102676 12.8% 123977 15.4% 21300 2.6%
Turf & Grass 39815 5.0% 50431 6.3% 10616 1.3%
Other Grass 8372 1.0% 11240 1.4% 2868 0.4%
Ag. Field 83411 10.4% 74481 9.3% -8930 -1.1%
Deciduous Forest 422740 52.6% 401057 49.9% -21683 -2.7%
Coniferous Forest 84400 10.5% 82621 10.3% -1779 -0.2%
Water 29921 3.7% 28609 3.6% -1311 -0.2%
Non-forested Wetlands 2793 0.3% 2970 0.4% 178 0.0%
Forested Wetlands 22607 2.8% 21454 2.7% -1153 -0.1%
Tidal Wetlands 407 0.1% 383 0.0% -25 0.0%
Barren 4533 0.6% 4436 0.6% -97 0.0%
Utility ROW (Forest) 2383 0.3% 2375 0.3% -8 0.0%

Change in Zone Land Cover, 1985-2010



  Turf & Grass
  Other Grass
  Agricultural Field


Riparian Zone Land Cover

  1985 2010 Change
  acres % acres % acres %
Developed 28284 13.8% 32671 15.9% 4387 2.1%
Turf & Grass 9056 4.4% 11346 5.5% 2290 1.1%
Other Grass 2326 1.1% 3204 1.6% 878 0.4%
Ag. Field 18341 8.9% 16416 8.0% -1926 -0.9%
Deciduous Forest 102102 49.8% 98220 47.9% -3882 -1.9%
Coniferous Forest 23760 11.6% 23397 11.4% -363 -0.2%
Water 6405 3.1% 5480 2.7% -925 -0.5%
Non-forested Wetlands 1715 0.8% 1807 0.9% 92 0.0%
Forested Wetlands 11353 5.5% 10757 5.2% -595 -0.3%
Tidal Wetlands 51 0.0% 43 0.0% -8 0.0%
Barren 1208 0.6% 1259 0.6% 50 0.0%
Utility ROW (Forest) 596 0.3% 596 0.3% 0 0.0%

Change in Riparian Zone Land Cover, 1985-2010



  Turf & Grass
  Other Grass
  Agricultural Field


Impervious Surface Estimate

1985 1990 1995 2002 2006 2010 Change
acres % acres %
acres % acres % acres % acres % acres %
44256 6.6% 46456 6.9% 47206 7.0% 48427 7.2% 49320 7.3% 49661 7.4% 5405 0.8%