College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Center for Land Use Education and Research

Shetucket Basin MapShetucket Basin (01100002)

The Shetucket Basin is approximately 526 square miles (336,797 acres).

It includes the following HUC12 basins: Beaver Brook-Shetucket River, Bigelow Brook, Bungee Brook, Edson Brook, Fenton River, Furnace Brook, Hop River, Little River, Merrick Brook, Middle River, Mount Hope River, Nelson Brook-Willimantic River, Roaring Brook, Sawmill Brook-Natchaug River, Skungamaug River, Still River, and Tenmile River.

Visit the Interactive Map to see and compare the maps. Visit the Statistics or Maps page to see the breakdown for the HUC12 basins.

Back to Summary Stats

Land Cover

  1985 2010 Change
  acres % acres %
acres %
Developed 29159 8.7% 35794 10.6% 6636 2.0%
Turf & Grass 9255 2.7% 13715 4.1% 4460 1.3%
Other Grass 3630 1.1% 5780 1.7% 2150 0.6%
Ag. Field 27553 8.2% 25708 7.6% -1845 -0.5%
Deciduous Forest 204182 60.6% 193908 57.6% -10274 -3.1%
Coniferous Forest 36979 11.0% 35937 10.7% -1042 -0.3%
Water 9679 2.9% 8885 2.6% -793 -0.2%
Non-forested Wetlands 1606 0.5% 1622 0.5% 16 0.0%
Forested Wetlands 12505 3.7% 11984 3.6% -521 -0.2%
Tidal Wetlands 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
Barren 1225 0.4% 2469 0.7% 1243 0.4%
Utility ROW (Forest) 1024 0.3% 995 0.3% -29 0.0%

Change in Zone Land Cover, 1985-2010



  Turf & Grass
  Other Grass
  Agricultural Field


Riparian Zone Land Cover

  1985 2010 Change
  acres % acres % acres %
Developed 8957 8.8% 10590 10.5% 1633 1.6%
Turf & Grass 2560 2.5% 3772 3.7% 1212 1.2%
Other Grass 1087 1.1% 1699 1.7% 612 0.6%
Ag. Field 7166 7.1% 6851 6.8% -315 -0.3%
Deciduous Forest 57365 56.6% 54994 54.3% -2370 -2.3%
Coniferous Forest 12032 11.9% 11751 11.6% -281 -0.3%
Water 3304 3.3% 2786 2.7% -518 -0.5%
Non-forested Wetlands 875 0.9% 900 0.9% 25 0.0%
Forested Wetlands 7401 7.3% 7044 7.0% -357 -0.4%
Tidal Wetlands 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
Barren 332 0.3% 698 0.7% 367 0.4%
Utility ROW (Forest) 252 0.2% 245 0.2% -7 0.0%

Change in Riparian Zone Land Cover, 1985-2010



  Turf & Grass
  Other Grass
  Agricultural Field


Impervious Surface Estimate

1985 1990 1995 2002 2006 2010 Change
acres % acres %
acres % acres % acres % acres % acres %
12596 1.9% 13216 2.0% 13616 2.0% 14029 2.1% 14263 2.1% 14370 2.1% 1774 0.3%