CLEAR 2011 Webinar Series

Free Google Tools for Creating Interactive Mapping “Mashups” Webinar

Running Time: 01:01:50


A mapping “mashup” is a web application that combines data from different sources into a single integrated, online mapping tool. With the rise in online mapping technology from leaders like Google Maps and Google Earth, creating these mashup applications has never been easier. This one-hour webinar will demonstrate how anyone can use Google tools to publish basic geographic information on a customized map using Google Maps and Google Earth. Topics will include how to add place markers, lines and shapes to a map, how to add content including photos and videos to the map and how to import existing data from other sources. The webinar will also highlight collaborative mapping techniques and methods for sharing and embedding maps on websites. The webinar will include live demonstration of tools and techniques along with plenty of real world examples.


Cary Chadwick, Geospatial Training Program Coordinator, UConn CLEAR
(860) 345-5216

Emily Wilson, Geospatial Technology Specialist, UConn CLEAR
(860) 345-5226