CLEAR 2011 Webinar Series

Affordable Housing Webinar

Running Time: 00:56:42


The mere mention of affordable housing can be a lightning rod for the NIMBY ("not in my back yard") elements in any community. But what is affordable housing and who really lives in it? Access to decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing has long been an issue of public importance in Connecticut. This webinar focuses on the challenges of providing affordable housing in our communities and why it’s important to create it to solve economic growth, municipal finance, educational, healthcare, environmental quality-of-life, transportation and other problems that our towns and state face. Methods of overcoming the barriers to affordable housing—erasing myths and misconceptions—and discussing why creating affordable housing is in the interest of municipalities will be discussed. The information provided will help foster an understanding of the relationship between housing costs and household incomes, development revenues versus municipal costs, and will include the role of planners in educating their towns’ residents on the benefits of affordable housing in their communities.


Bruce Hyde, Land Use Academy Director, UConn CLEAR
(860) 345-5229

David Fink, Policy Director
Partnership for Strong Communities