College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Center for Land Use Education and Research
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2006 Statewide Riparian Corridor Analysis

Interactive Map

First, choose your town from the "Choose Town" drop-down menu (or type it in).
Second, choose layers from the layerlist (on the left). Click on any checkbox and/or radio button.
Third, move around the map. Zoom with your mouse scroller or use the tiny arrows. Pan by holding your leftclick and dragging the map.
Scroll down below the map for legends. For pre-made maps, go to Your Town page.

Towns Names 

Buffered Lines
Buffered Polygons
Regional Basins 
Sub-regional Basins
Local Basins
100 Foot Zone
300 Foot Zone

1985 Land Cover in the

100 Foot Zone 
300 Foot Zone

2006 Land Cover in the

100 Foot Zone
300 Foot Zone

Change (1985-2006) in the

100 Foot Zone
300 Foot Zone

Base Layers

1985 Statewide Land Cover
2006 Statewide Land Cover
1985-2006 Statewide Change


  Land Cover Land Cover Change
Towns Towns   Developed   to Developed Land Cover
Buffered Lines Buffered Lines   Turf and Grass   to Turf and Grass Land Cover
  Buffered Waterbodies   Other Grass   to Other Grass Land Cover
Regional Basins Regional Basins   Ag Field   to Ag Field Land Cover
Sub-regional Basins Sub-regional Basins   Deciduous Forest   No Change - Developed
Basins Basins   Coniferous Forest   No Change - Vegetation
100ft Zone 100ft Zone   Water   No Change - Turf and Grass
300ft Zone 300ft Zone   Non-forested Wetlands   Water
      Forested Wetlands   Other
      Tidal Wetlands    
      Utility Right-of-way (Forest)