New Hampshire

New Hampshire Geographically Referenced Analysis and Information Transfer System (GRANIT) is and state and university partnership. Although there is no formal legislation in place, it is recognized as the state's GIS Clearinghouse.

GRANIT's mission is to promote the efficient use of New Hampshire's diverse resources by utilizing spatial information in an effective way and by providing geographic information and related tools to citizens and organizations. 

GRANIT has 2.5 full-time staff members an annual budget of $90,000 although annual operating costs are approximately $350,000. The gap is filled with grants and special projects.

GRANIT services get 10-12 million hits per quarter and the main viewer gets several hundred users a day. The biggest consumers are state agencies, engineering companies, surveyors, realtors and regional planning commissions. 

Things to Emulate

  1. University home means lower software cost, expertise on campus for research collaboration, ability to received external funds and get work done quickly. 
  2. Being a valuable and widely used resource.
  3. Three committees at different levels fill different roles and ensure needs are met.